Steven teaches many different kinds of ceramic workshops. They vary from 2-day demo’s, to week-long participatory, to year-long Journey Workshops. Click the link to see a few short descriptions of the various workshops available. Hosting a Steven Hill Workshop

His basic 2 day demonstration workshop covers everything from throwing to glazing, with time spent on his philosophic approach to making functional pottery. Click on the link for details about hosting a Demonstration Workshop.

Steven also occasionally teaches 2 day workshops that are a combination of demo and participatory, that can be adapted to the needs of a particular group.

Since 2009, Steven has taught many participatory glazing workshops for electric firing, in which students bring bisque ware to glaze and fire. These are now 4 days in length, with Steven throwing and assembling on the first day. On day 2 he lectures and demonstrates spraying techniques in the morning, with students glazing in the afternoon. Electric kilns are then loaded and fired overnight. On day 3 he lectures about spraying equipment, firing cycles in computerized electric kilns, further experimentation on spraying and layering and lowering ^10 glazes to ^6.  The workshop concludes on day 4, with the unloading of kilns and talking about the glaze results. These workshops cover all aspects of  how to achieve rich and varied surfaces and colors in an electric kiln. Click on the link for details about hosting an Electric Firing Workshop.

Steven is also available for 2-5 day “Throwing Relaxed, Gestural Forms – With an Emphasis on Design” workshops. As potters develop their eye along with their technical skills, they sometimes yearn to make forms that breathe – pots that show the plasticity of wet clay, even after they are fired. If you’d like to discuss workshop possibilities and scheduling, first click on the link to see Steven’s 2024 Workshop Fees.
(816) 810-1563